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Midwest's Monthly Book and Cook:  "Leaf Man"

It's Story Time!

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.”  Audrey Hepburn


Leaf Man

Author: Lois Ehlert

Leaf Man takes off on a breeze and flutters off on colorful adventures.

Purchase on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.


Before the Lesson

Objective: Students will learn to appreciate nature and the changes in seasons

  • Autumn Time (tune of Frere Jaques)

Red leaves falling
Red leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is coming
Autumn-time is coming
All around
All around

Orange leaves falling
Orange leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is coming
Autumn-time is coming
All around
All around

Brown leaves scattered
Brown leaves scattered
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is now here
Autumn-time is now here
All around
All around


Read and Discuss
Read Leaf Man and discuss.

  1. Act out tree movements.
    1. Fall tree: Stand up tall and spread limbs.  
    2. In the wind: move your arms all around.  Pretty leaves falling down while shaking to the ground.
  2. Activity:  Leaf Man art
    1. Go on a nature walk outside and collect leaves.  (or ask parents to send in leaves or draw leaves on a paper for children to color with fall colors).
    2. Sing Autumn-Time
    3. Compare the different shapes and colors.
    4. Use the leaves to create their own Leaf Man or Woman.


Read We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt by Steve Metxger and have students chant the refrain as they hunt for leaves.



Download the Recipe Ideas here

Download the Story Time PDF here

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