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Provider Resources

Frequently Asked Questions: Centers


Q:  Can I claim a meal if the child comes in after our meal time? 

A:  IF the child arrives within 15 minutes of the meal time, they can be claimed.


Q:  Can I claim a meal that we take with us on a field trip?

A:  No, only meals served onsite may be claimed.


Q:  I was disallowed lunch for my school agers because I forgot to mark school out. Can I get that money back? 

A:  No, it is the center’s responsibility to mark school out. We send annual reminders and offer reminders during visits.


Q:  If the child doesn’t eat his vegetable but asks for seconds on another item. Can I give it to him? 

A:  It is the center’s responsibility to offer each food component, but the child cannot be forced to eat them.


Q:  Do I need a doctor’s note if the parent wants their infant to have soy milk.   

A:  Yes, the parent must supply a doctor’s note stating what substitute should be offered. 



Frequently Asked Questions: Homes


Q:  Do I have to be licensed to participate in Midwest’s food program (CACFP)?

A:  Yes. Or have a Title XX Child Care Subsidy active Agreement.


Q:  Can I feed whole milk to all of my day care children?

A:   No, children between 1 and 2 yrs. can be served whole milk, but children over the age of 2 are required to have skim or 1% milk.


Q:  What if I have a child with allergies?

A:  The parent with a child who has food allergies is required to have a Special Diet Statement signed by a medical professional.


Q:  Can the meals of a breast-fed baby be claimed?

A:  Yes


Q:  How do I know which Tier rate I will receive?

A:  Providers are notified when they start our program as to which Tier they qualify for. If their Tier changes, Midwest notifies them with a letter.


Q:  Can I claim my own children on the food program?

A:  Yes, if an income form is completed and the provider’s income is within the income guidelines.


Q:  Do I have to claim my infants in care?

A:  Yes, every child that is enrolled in care, must have equal opportunity to participate on the program.


Q:  Can I claim my children if they are home-schooled?

A:  Yes, but a home-school license from the Nebraska Dept. of Education must be on file with Midwest and the home-school provider must be income eligible.


Q:  How do I submit my claim?

A:  You can easily submit your claim through Midwest’s program, which is easily accessible with any electronic device that has Internet access. Your submission is due the last day of the month after you have served your last meal.


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