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Midwest's Monthly Book and Cook:  "The Mindful Dragon"

It's Story Time!

“Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.”  Amit Ray


The Mindful Dragon

Author: Steve Herman

Having a pet dragon is fun.  But what if he worries about so much?  How do you help? You teach him about mindfulness – you teach him to be mindful!

Purchase on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.


Before the Lesson

Objective: Students will learn to use mindfulness, focus and peace when they are feeling anxious or worried.

Demonstrate Dragon Breathing                                             

  1. Sit up straight.                                                             
  2. Breathe in all the way.                                                
  3. Stick your tongue out.                                                
  4. Breathe out like a dragon.                                          

Glitter Emotions

Add glitter to a bottle full of water to help students visualize their emotions. Shake the bottle and show them that this represents them being angry or upset.  Watch the glitter settle down.


Read and Discuss
Read The Mindful Dragon and discuss.

Ask:  Why was the dragon worried?  What helped calm him down?  Have you ever felt worried or upset about something?  What did you try to calm down?

Activity:  Fire Breathing Dragon.


  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Glue gun or glue dots


  • 1 paper roll
  • 1 piece construction paper
  • 2 pom poms approx 1 inch
  • 2 pom poms approx 3/8 inch
  • 2 googly eyes approx 1/2 inch
  • 3 scraps tissue paper red, yellow and orange



  • Students will use the Fire Breathing Dragon to demonstrate Dragon Breathing.
  • Check out Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube and practice some calming yoga moves.
  • Try mindful eating: Slowly, with quiet attention, explore a food item with all of the senses before eating it — noticing the smells, colors, textures and any sensations of pleasure or displeasure.



Download the Recipe Ideas here

Download the Story Time PDF here

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