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Midwest's Monthly Book and Cook:  "Frankencrayon"

It's Story Time!

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”  Ernest Hemingway



Author and Illustrator: Michael Hall

The crayons are ready to tell a story, but the show can’t go on because a scribble has marred the page horrifying all of them.

Purchase on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.


Before the Lesson

Objective: Students will use color words to describe food they would feed a Scribble Monster

  • Review color words with children by displaying a chart of the color words and color. 
  • Create a chart with a Scribble Monster drawn in the center of the page surrounded by the words “What color do you feed a Scribble Monster?”


Read and Discuss
Read Frankencrayon and discuss:

  1. Ask: What colors did Michael Hall use to draw the Scribble Monster in the book?
  2. Say: Scribble Monsters love colors and they really love to eat colorful things.
  3. Ask: What colors would you feed a Scribble Monster?
  4. Chart student responses. Examples: yellow bananas, green grapes, blueberries, brown rice, red apples, pink grapefruit, orange juice, etc.
  5. Have students respond to this statement, “I would feed a Scribble Monster (color word) (food item) and add this to the chart on a sticky note.
  6. Students can then create their own Scribble Monster and add pictures of food items they would feed it (either drawn or cut from magazines).



This website contains additional activities to teach children to Eat a Rainbow of foods.



Download the Recipe Ideas here

Download the Story Time PDF here

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