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Safe Sleep Information for Child Care: States, Territories, Tribes, Providers, and Families

Information from the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance. Read the information on their website here.

Information for State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies

  • Brief #4: Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Using Safe Sleeping Practices
  • Safe Sleep Practices and SIDS/Suffocation Risk Reduction—A Special Collection of Caring for Our Children Standards
  • Safe Sleep—Cribs and Infant Products, Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Safe Sleep for Native Babies (Indian Health Service)
  • Safe Sleep Statewide Campaigns
    • Safe Sleep North Carolina and ITS-SIDS Project for child care providers
    • Missouri Safe Sleep Coalition
  • Safe Sleep for Tribal Early Childhood Settings
  • SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment, American Academy of Pediatrics

What Are States Asking About? (Standards Highlight)

States have asked about child care licensing requirements regarding supervising infants when they are sleeping.

Information for Child Care Providers

  • CDC Parent and Caregivers Safe Sleep Resources
  • Safe Sleep Environment: Consumer Product Safety Commission (i.e., cribs, play yards)
  • Safe Sleep Resources for Child Care Providers
  • Strategies To Support Safe Sleep Environments in Early Childhood Education Programs (Webinar)
  • Tummy Time
  • Writing a Safe Sleep Policy—Model Child Care Health Policies, p. 36.

Information for Families

  • How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained,  
  • Safe to Sleep Campaign Resources: Safe Sleep for Your Baby—Caregiver and family resources for multiple audiences, including African American Outreach, American Indian/Alaska Native Outreach, and resources in Spanish
  • Tummy Time Resources for Expectant Families

Additional Resources

  • Cribs for Kids
  • Health and Safety Notes—Safe Infant Sleep: Reducing the Risk of SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths (University of California, San Francisco: Child Care Health Program)—available in English, Spanish, and Chinese
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