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Midwest's Monthly Book and Cook:  "Gorgonzola: A Very Stinkysaurus"

It's Story Time!

“The whole world opened up to me when I learned to read.” Mary McCleod Bethune


Author: Margie Palatini and Illustrator: Stim Bowers

Gorgonzola was known far and wide for his D. O. Yes, dinosaur odor. He was one serious stinker until a bold little birdie showed this soap-challenged boy how to clean up his act.

Purchase on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.


Before the Lesson

Objective: Students will learn the importance of using soap and water to wash their hands and body.

  • Teach the following song to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
    "Wash, wash, wash my hands, make them nice and clean! Rub the bottoms and the tops, and fingers in between." Have them sing it twice to last 20 seconds.


Read and Discuss
Read Gorgonzola: A Very Stinkysaurus and discuss:

  1. Ask: What made Gorgonzola soooooo stinky? What did the other animals do when they got near him? (Have children act out their reactions to his odor). What did Birdie finally teach him so that he wasn’t so stinky?
  2. Activity: Practice washing hands with a finger play (Make sure that children know to cover the whole hand and wash good in between fingers).
  3. Using the following song, make up hand gestures to each verse using the designated amount of fingers. This is also a good number and counting activity.

Five little fingers playing all day
Getting really dirty
Wash the germs away
Four little fingers catching a sneeze
Needing some gel soap
Just a squeeze please!
Three little fingers staying pretty clean
Sneeze into your shoulder
See what I mean!
Five little fingers happy to say
We're clean and healthy
Hip! Hop! Hooray!



  • Bring in some Gorgonzola or other “stinky” cheese for children to smell and taste.
  • Give each child a paper or foam dinosaur to decorate. Glue onto a popsicle stick and have children act out the story of Gorgonzola as it is reread.

Download the Wash Your Hands Handout here

Download the Story Time PDF here

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